I am an experienced business analyst with 10+ years of industry experience, wishing to change my career to become a software developer. I have undertaken several web development projects using PHP & SQL, I am currently attending a software bootcamp using JavaScript, and I am learning C# independently.

I have been interested in coding ever since my undergraduate degree, where I took several modules of software development and web development, and (more recently) in my postgraduate degree, where I took modules in web development, and database design.

Software Development Skills
C Sharp Learning - 6 months – several tutorials and projects. See projects for more detail.
Entity Framework Learning - I have just built an application that has many tables using 'code first'.
GIT Learning – Currently working within a team (bootcamp) = using branching & pull requests
SQL Somewhat experienced – created several dbs, for web and for applications (MySQL & SQL Server), including this website (see blog), university projects, PoC, experience as a BA. See projects for more details.
JavaScript Learning – currently attending a 12-week webdev bootcamp, which will include a variety of frameworks, libraries, and tools, such as Node.js, Vite, Express, and VS Code.
PHP Somewhat experienced – created several db driven sites (such as this one), including several university projects + a PoC (see blog), university projects, PoC, experience as a BA. See projects page for more info.)
HTML Experienced – created several web sites.
CSS Experienced – created several web sites.
Experience with Agile Methodologies
SCRUM Experienced (5+ years) - I am a SCRUM advocate, experience with various levels (mature / immature).
SAFE Learning - I have just built an application that has many tables using 'code first'.
Experience with communication and development tools
Trello Experienced - daily use.
Miro Experienced - regular use.
Visual Studio Learning – alongside C#.
Visual Studio Code Learning as part of bootcamp.
SQL Management Studio Some professional use as a BA.
phpMyAdmin Used as part of deploying db driven sites - see projects for more details.
Azure DevOps (boards) Experienced - daily use.
Teams / Slack / Discord Experienced - daily use.